Cancer S**ks

I haven’t told you much about myself on purpose.  I feel like here is a proliferation of TMI in this web world.  But recently several people close to me have had to fight the big C.  Some have lost, some have won, some are still fighting.  I’m so sad, but more than anything, I am really angry.

What is happening with our environment, that so many young, relatively healthy people are getting cancer?  Is it from pollution?  Is it from genetically altered foods?  Is it from all the screen time we expose ourselves to?  I’m not an expert in any way, but I don’t like seeing people who I care about have to go through this ugly disease.

Adam Yauch of The Beastie Boys died yesterday from cancer.  This put me over the edge.  This man was a huge part of my young adult life.  From fighting for my right to party to bodhisattva vow, I felt like this man knew my progression in life.  My love for these three Jewish jokers out of the NYC was strong, but I felt the closest to MCA.  Adam was a student of Buddhism and probably made peace with cancer, but I haven’t.  I can’t name another band that has seen me through such a huge span of my life.  Although there are bands that I now listen to more often, I don’t think there will ever be another group like The Beastie Boys in my heart.  Yesterday my heart was broken, by someone who didn’t even know me.  But I knew him.


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